CH CoKie's Into The Mystic POA
CHIC# 161066
Ch BMW Bullets Over Broadway x GCh TriLa's Made For Me At CoKie AOM
(Woody x Story)
Bred by Karen Kiellach
Owned by Karen Kiellach
Meet our beautiful Miss Lyric! This girl is so happy and sweet! And just like Tigger, she bounces with joy when she sees you coming, then wags her entire body bursting with happiness! While she likes to run and play with her mom and sister, she is really a quiet soul inside. With a soft eye she will climb up next to you on the couch and with a gentle look, she just makes all your troubles seem to disappear. With limited showing, she has already been awarded both majors. We are hoping to continue showing her this year and complete her GDCA/OFA health testing. Lyric's favorite thing is puppies! She absolutely adored her 1/2 brothers born in August 2020 and begged to be with them. Patience LeeLee, you're still our baby!
Well, I guess she's not a baby anymore! UPDATE: Lyric finished and passed all her health testing and has her CHIC # (listed above), Finished her Championship at The Ohio Specialties in June 2022, and is now resting on the couch for her puppies to arrive in August! Update! Her puppies arrived all 9 beautiful and sweet kids! 8 boys and 1 girl! They are all in their amazing homes and the 3 who went to show homes are already Champions!! Lyric proved to be an excellent mother and we will be looking to breed her again Spring of 2024
